"Koney ka Cabin aur Main"

Talking about 'cornership' is like saying something that belongs to all here and there.
The moment I add even a single word to the existence of this Feeling, I encounter a process of punctuation going on inside the walls of mind.
How we express our feelings with words and the way we surface them!

We are really superhuman as we always figure out what we feel and then deny it straight away.
That's why a Face is to be seen not from exact front.. but from a side.. and that brings you to the 'Kona'...
where you are not under scrutiny or a questioning gaze...


  1. The word corner seems like an oxymoron to me, on one side it may mean the neglected,the underprivileged, the "not so important'and the aloof but on the other side it also means the secure, the warm,the observant and "your own space".....leave it to the corner and you get a whole new interpretation. So hope this journey of "Cornership" goes a long way .


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